Thursday, February 2, 2012

Dirty Knowledge

I like to operate my life on a "need-to-know" basis. I have discovered that the less information I have, the easier my life is. Not that I am against knowledge. I have 3 college degrees. The information I'm against is the type of information that can change how I view someone. I don't want to know your vices. I don't want to know who you are mad at and why your anger is so justified. I don't want to know your dirt. I don't even want to know your dust. I have enough of this knowledge about myself. When we have information about others that should be between them and God, it places us in a precarious position. What can I do with the knowledge about anyone else's shortcomings? The (unfortunate) natural result of discovering "dirty knowledge" is usually sharing that knowledge with someone else. As Christians we are so good at spiritualizing our dirt dishing. "We need to pray for Poindexter" is the usual Christian code for "Guess what Poindexter did last week." Perhaps the most self-deceptive dirt dishing happens when the story starts with, "Please pray for me. I'm so hurt, and I can't seem to get over what Poindexter did to me." As Christians, if it is couched in a prayer request, we feel removed from what it actually is: gossip. The scripture gives clear instructions regarding "dirty knowledge"-- Proverbs 17:9--He who covers over an offense promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends, and I Peter 4:8--Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Knowledge is power, but most of all, knowledge is responsibility. In the Kingdom, Love trumps even "dirty knowledge." Play your trump card.


  1. That'll preach!!! Great post! BTW, this is my first time EVER to blog...LOL So, I'm not real sure about what I'm doing... haha P. McD

  2. I sent a comment earlier, but don't know if you rec'd it or not. This is my 1st time to blog, so I'm not sure what I'm doing LOL. Are the comments supposed to show up on your page??? I may need some "blogging tips" hahaha I have really enjoyed the study in Galations. I have been reading and re-reading the New Testament and Galations was exactly where I was....just about to start it. Your handout has helped me to "study" more...rather than just reading on and on. It makes me stop and think more about what I've read! I love you!!

    1. This is also my first time as a blogger, and your problem on the first blog was--ME!! I neglected to publish your comment and my response. I'm still getting the hang of all this.

      I'm so glad you're enjoying this study. The more I read Galatians, the more I see. It's so amazing that the Word of God seems new everytime I come to it. The anointing and inspiration of the Holy Spirit on the Word keep it alive and growing in all of us. Love you.
